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The body as your GPS

By Andrea Kartika Deierlein

September 13, 2024

You may have heard me tell the story about how my left shoulder was injured multiple times.

Though my shoulder healed from being broken and dislocated twice 20 years ago, pain still shows up… especially when I tense up…

Often it happens so subtly, that I don’t even notice that I have tensed up, until I feel my shoulder. Because, these days, my shoulder acts as a guide.

As my own internal GPS. Reiki has taught me this: to become present, listen to my body, notice the noise in my head, so I can tune into my inner guidance.

When I’m in the flow of things—taking good care of myself, not overextending myself, feeling aligned with my decisions, honoring my boundaries —there’s a sense of ease and expansion.

But when my thinking gets off track—when I start to stress about things that are out of my control, when I begin to worry about things that haven’t even happened, when I want to keep pushing despite feeling exhausted—my body contracts and my shoulder starts to speak.

I'm sure that you've experienced this too, maybe not with your shoulder, but with your back, ankle or stomach... because our bodies are our GPS.

Do you stop when you need to?

Here’s what I’ve learned over the years as a Reiki professional and working with hundreds of clients: most people don’t, even when their bodies are screaming with pain.

And it’s not their fault.

We live in a society that values busyness, underappreciates rest, tells us to keep pushing, keep going after the next paycheck/house/car/child/degree/title... because if we reach a certain goal, we’ll feel fine… only to strive for the next goal again…

And all this pressure gets stored in the body, which sends us signals in the form of pain.

As you have experienced yourself, ignoring it doesn't make it go away.

If you’re looking for some relief or relaxation to help you manage this discomfort, I’m here for you.

You can reserve a spot in my calendar here.

May you experience EASE, FLOW & COMFORT today.



About Andrea Deierlein & Thrive Reiki, LLC: Andrea's work specializes in helping people transform the pain of life challenges and daily adversity through the practice of Reiki. She helps people struggling with stress, anxiety and overwhelm, to relax, calm down and breathe again. Focusing on stress management and the mind-body-connection, her clients shift out of survival mode, build focus and resilience. Connect with her on or follow her on Instagram @andreadeierlein