Have you ever done a sigh of relief when a plan or an appointment got cancelled? Were you grateful for the unexpected opening in your schedule? Knowing that you were given a gift of time, of more space?
Stressed out. On the edge. Running on fumes… that’s what happens when schedules and minds are too full. We’ve all been there. Some even live there. Life is full of distractions, information overload and overwhelm. It’s no surprise that anxiety is rampant, especially when you’re trying to manage uncertainty.
During this time of change (change of seasons, change in weather, change of just being human), let’s take a moment to pause. Step back from the rush of the never-ending to-do-lists, illusions of perfect lives, the need to be “on.” All the freaking time. And tune into the now instead. Feel your feet on the ground. Take a deep breath. Check in. With yourself. Notice how you are feeling. Is this how you would like to feel for the rest of today? If not, you can set an intention to change this.

“Expectations come with the potential for much disappointment whereas intentions simply get you into a good frame of mind, from which anything might happen and you no longer feel attached to one specific outcome. Life rarely goes according to plan, so why make a trap for your own happiness by placing the burden of expectation on it?”
- From Happiness is a State of Mind by His Holiness, the Gyalwang Drupka
Just for today, what expectation can you let go? What kind of intention can you set for your well-being?
May you have PEACE, LOVE & CALM – today and every day.
About Andrea Deierlein & Thrive Reiki, LLC: Andrea's work specializes in helping people transform the pain of life challenges and daily adversity through the practice of Reiki. She helps people struggling with stress, anxiety and overwhelm, to relax, calm down and breathe again. Focusing on stress management and the mind-body-connection, her clients shift out of survival mode, build focus and resilience. Connect with her on www.thrivereiki.com or follow her on Instagram @andreadeierlein