Do you check the weather forecast every morning? Maybe even the night before? Do you watch the news every day or call your loved ones regularly?
It is human and natural to prepare for bad and good things to happen. But what if you could train your mind to stay in the moment? To live in the present and focus on the good? Instead of putting so much time and energy into worry, fear and anxiety?
My client Anthony and I recently discussed how easy it is to anticipate the worst and hope things won't go wrong.
It sounds so simple. Think good things and good things happen. Hold the vision. Trust the proess. Yet it is soooo hard.
We discussed how easy it is to be pulled into distractions from the outside, and how we can make ourselves anxious by going down the rabbit hole of the what-if's, could-have's and should-have's.
But what Anthony said had a great point: "If I can do that with a negative thought, I can do that with the same positive thought."
He is so right... Energy goes where the attention goes. Your thoughts direct where your energy goes.

I share this image with you again today (Source: Ryan H. Harrison, MD), because it is such a great reminder that we are in charge of our own energy.
We have the capacity to harness it, change its direction and slow it down. Pause. Take a break. Re-focus. One breath at a time. Yes, sometimes we need extra help, and that is only human too.
About Andrea Deierlein & Thrive Reiki, LLC:
Andrea's work specializes in helping people transform the pain of life challenges and daily adversity through the practice of Reiki. She helps people struggling with stress, anxiety and overwhelm, to relax, calm down and breathe again. Focusing on stress management and the mind-body-connection, her clients shift out of survival mode, build focus and resilience. Connect with her on or follow her on Instagram @andreadeierlein