There never seems to be enough time to just be, catch a breath, let alone honor your own needs. Especially during this time of year.
It's no surprise that people tend to focus on what could go wrong - rather than on what's going well.
Worry of what could go wrong, must be done, can't wait is normal for many. Please... don't if-only or what-if your life away.
This lesson was very timely for me over Thanksgiving, as I got sick with Covid. Thankfully, my symptoms were mild – and I got to watch a lot of World Cup games and indulge in one of my favorite hobbies… reading novels, surrounded by my animals. This sleeping cutie is Pretty aka Triple Trouble.

When my mind begings to wander to worry and fear I remember this teaching from one of my mentors: A simple thought of gratitude can open the door to a moment of presence, calm, and peace. I'm thankful for my animal companions and the soft purrs of my cats.
Expressing gratitude can be a tool for anchoring yourself in the here and now. It's an invitation not to follow the mind's dizzying ride into the past or into the future.

When people develop a sense and skills of appreciation in everyday life, things begin to shift. It's a chance to let go of the idea(l)s of perfection, of all the if-onlys...
Terima Kasih is Thank You in Indonesian. It also means to receive grace. Every time you give thanks, you also receive grace.
May you have PEACE, LOVE & CALM – today and every day.
About Andrea Deierlein & Thrive Reiki, LLC: Andrea's work specializes in helping people transform the pain of life challenges and daily adversity through the practice of Reiki. She helps people struggling with stress, anxiety and overwhelm, to relax, calm down and breathe again. Focusing on stress management and the mind-body-connection, her clients shift out of survival mode, build focus and resilience. Connect with her on or follow her on Instagram @andreadeierlein