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Asking for help

… is the best self-care skill I learned

By Andrea Kartika Deierlein

November 2, 2023

This year I discovered the documentary Becoming YOU on AppleTV. The series shows, through the eyes of 100 children from around the world, the fascinating journey of learning all the skills and feels it takes to be human. It tells the stories of how these children learn to walk, talk, think, make friends, identify and regulate emotions, during the first 2,000 days of their lives.

A 4-year-old girl from Mongolia was tasked to bring clean snow to her mother for cooking. The girl soon realized that this was too hard to do on her own, so she asked her friend for help. This was such a sweet reminder that asking for help is a skill that is necessary for survival and can be even a source of joy.

Asking for help can be daunting and, for some, a skill that doesn’t come naturally - thanks to these Support Saboteurs:

  • The need to present, to keep up the I-am-fine, I-have-my-act-together image.
  • The belief that asking for help and support is a burden or inconvenience for others.
  • The fear to appear weak, incompetent, or unattractive and to be rejected.
  • The fear to be vulnerable.

Since Reiki came into my life in 2015, my perspective of self-care keeps evolving. Self-care is a process and a journey that I don’t have to walk alone. Sometimes I need a safe space to be. Sometimes I need some guidance. Sometimes I need someone to teach me a new skill. Sometimes I need someone to listen (to my words and to my body).

May you experience mindfulness, support and calm – today and every day.


About Andrea Deierlein & Thrive Reiki, LLC: Andrea's work specializes in helping people transform the pain of life challenges and daily adversity through the practice of Reiki. She helps people struggling with stress, anxiety and overwhelm, to relax, calm down and breathe again. Focusing on stress management and the mind-body-connection, her clients shift out of survival mode, build focus and resilience. Connect with her on or follow her on Instagram @andreadeierlein